Welcome to my consumption. Cooking is how I express my personal creativity and my love for those I feed. For the most part, I try to eat clean (no white flour/refined sugar, I avoid heavily processed and fast foods) but I don't expect that of others.

I'm happiest in my kitchen, creating tasty vittles out of simple, wholesome foods.

Monday, January 17, 2011

3 Parsnips, 4 Potatoes, and a Priest walk into a bar...

Sit down and make yourself comfortable, for I will now tell you the story of how I became a parsnip-whore. Once upon a time, in a near-distant suburb, lived my vision of the perfect family. Pon, Kate, and their 4 angelic offspring. At the time (fall, 2009) I was in a less-than-perfect life situation (translation: my life was super fucked up). The outlook was grim and I had very little hope in my world...until I met....the parsnip.

Pon and Kate were kind enough to invite me to dinner in their lovely home. When the vegetables that Pon roasted came around, I took a healthy serving and dug into them immediately (for those of you who don't know, a hot meal wasn't something that I was experiencing often during this time in my life...i was a savage guest). While eating, I noticed that Pon was genius enough to include thick steak fries in his roasted mix, assuming it convinced the offspring to eat their veggies. When I inquired about said fries, Pon laughed, "No, no. Those are parsnips. Haven't you ever had a parsnip?"

After asking approximately 246 question regarding parsnip origin, uses, recipes, and nutritional value, I was on a mission. I f'ing love parsnips. My favorite preparation method is to roast them while tossed in olive oil with sea salt, pepper, and thyme. The taste always reminds me of the warm home of kind friends. And, if I use enough oil, of french fries. :)


  1. Vive le Parsnip!! You are welcome at our table anytime.

  2. Gimme sum dat, gimme sum dat--ow!

    Seriously, make with the parsnips!
