Welcome to my consumption. Cooking is how I express my personal creativity and my love for those I feed. For the most part, I try to eat clean (no white flour/refined sugar, I avoid heavily processed and fast foods) but I don't expect that of others.

I'm happiest in my kitchen, creating tasty vittles out of simple, wholesome foods.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pesto Sans Nuts!

....I guess I couldn't stay away. I will admit I have zero time in my life due to some personal/family situations, BUT, I need a distraction and I think this will do the trick. SO...wanna see what I've been up to?
Pictured is my very first pesto. I've always avoided pesto because it's almost always made with some type of tree nuts (i'm deathly allergic...epi-pen and everything...the works!). Meanwhile, I found this fantastic recipe that I couldn't pass up and my basil plant, Billy D. Basil, was looking especially..um...big. He needed to be sheared and I was long overdue for some pesto so...he got a fade.
I sauteed hormone-free chicken breast, spanish onion, and made whole wheat penne. The pesto was made with artichokes, juice squeezed from lemon, 1 cup of basil leaves, 1/2 cup of olive oil, and 2 garlic cloves. DE-LISH!

1 comment:

  1. This looks Amazing! I am a little behind in my reading. I also had a flashback of taking you to the ER freshman year when you ate that darn ambrosia salad. I will also say that every time they have that in the cafeteria of the UC, I think of you!
