Welcome to my consumption. Cooking is how I express my personal creativity and my love for those I feed. For the most part, I try to eat clean (no white flour/refined sugar, I avoid heavily processed and fast foods) but I don't expect that of others.

I'm happiest in my kitchen, creating tasty vittles out of simple, wholesome foods.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Warning: This is NOT Clean...

I used white flour cavatapi. Call me a hypocrite and then get over yourself. It happened, and I'm not sorry. I am satisfied!

This was especially tasty! I made my own olive oil and oregeno sauce (shown) to pour over the flavorful concoction. I sauteed leeks, fresh red bell pepper, then at the end added capers. All very independent flavors but they collaborated perfectly.

Since there was so damn much, I had to freeze the rest immediately (if I didn't, it would be devoured and I would have to be air-lifted from my apartment). I froze it in 5 separate containers (320 calories-worth each...like a non-toxic lean cuisine) so that I can grab it and take to work for lunch or eat one night when I have no time to cook.

1 comment:

  1. This is too bizarre, dave and I have been cooking with leeks a lot lately and pasta, I put an olive oil, coconut oil garlic mixture on top with mint and thai pepper s. I love this
