Welcome to my consumption. Cooking is how I express my personal creativity and my love for those I feed. For the most part, I try to eat clean (no white flour/refined sugar, I avoid heavily processed and fast foods) but I don't expect that of others.

I'm happiest in my kitchen, creating tasty vittles out of simple, wholesome foods.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mid-Summer's Night Snack

I've found that if I've got a bad case of the snacks (just wanna eat something...anything...feed me!) that veggies are my best bet. Especially if I'm snackish at night. It used to be cereal but cereal is dangerous to me...can't seem to get enough, it's just so tasty and perfect. Then it was blue corn chips and hummus. I had to end that relationship immediately. I found myself booty-calling the irrestistible combo late nights, waking only to find that my pantaloons were too tight and all that were left were the crumbs of our scandalous affair.

Anyhow, let's not relive that sad tale of loss and codependency. Onto the good stuff...SUMMER SQUASH! I will be honest, i'm not a huge fan of the spongey texture so I have to slice those bad boys super thin. Then I drizzle olive oil on a baking sheet, rub the slices onto the oil front/back, sprinkle crushed sea salt, garlic, pepper, and the squeeze a lemon liberally over the whole thing. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes (i like my well done, bake to your liking) and voila! Perfect snack packed with flavor. Almost makes me not miss the days of blue corn chips and I...but I digress. Enjoy!


  1. A little bit, Lisa. I have a difficult time describing consistancy of food. They were chewy and a bit cruchy around the edges. I made them for dinner last night and used lemon pepper and garlic and that give it some nice crunch. Yum.
